There are so many things to do in Washington DC, and it's silly to live here and not take advantage of them. Silly, but too easy to do. After a week at work, and a long run (Marine Corps Marathon 10 weeks away!) on Saturday mornings, sometimes dragging me away from my couch...and … [Read more...]
Prehensile Giraffe Tongues (!) at the Giraffe Center (Nairobi, Kenya)
Before we left for Kenya, we had sort of nixed the Giraffe Center from our list of things we wanted to do. I mean...after seeing giraffes in the wild, none of us were that interested in seeing giraffes in captivity (though they have a very large enclosure where they can roam … [Read more...]
The Dark Side Won: Star Wars Day at Nationals Park!
I watched some of the Star Wars movies growing up, and while I liked them, I wasn't a "fan" per se. Now, if you know dear husband...and if you know can probably guess we agree on like 20% of movies. On a good day. So seeing a movie is a battle, at best. I hate stupid … [Read more...]
Falling for Baby Elephants — David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, Nairobi
I didn't really think that I would be so enthralled with the baby elephants. We had just finished 8 days of game drives, which included lots of elephant watching. We saw a lot of little babies, including those trying to get out of the mud hole, those adorably playing with … [Read more...]
I Actually Went to Margaritaville (Montego Bay), and Four Reasons You Should Too
I laughed at people who said "you should go to Margaritaville when you are in Jamaica." First, I hate margaritas. Second, I hate weird commercialized things like this. Third, if it sounds like a tourist trap, if it looks like a tourist trap, if it smells like … [Read more...]