Delta nailed why...because when you add ridiculous things like an abacus and a rubber chicken, I not only can't stop watching, I can't stop laughing. You really have to see it for yourself. It's like a spoof on the normal safety video, but better. Better because it adds in ridiculous elements that reflect on the ridiculous state of flying and the ridiculous things that happen on planes.
You can watch it
Apparently they have had varying levels of amusing flight safety videos coming out for the last year or so. I don't stalk YouTube (I just saw the honey badger video about six months ago...don't judge), but I might have to change that policy to see what they come up with next.
My real question--do foreigners (i.e. not from the United States) think this video is just completely crazy? Strike that, I think some of the humor is probably completely lost on Americans, too. I mean, what percentage of citizens do you think could now identify an abacus? More than can correctly name the VP or Secretary of State? Yea....that's what I thought.
So, Delta, here is my suggestion for a flight safety video...(also, how did they cancel Selfie? that show was excellent):
Flight attendant: Please fasten your seatbelt when seated.
Passenger: My seatbelt? I thought you meant everyone elseee's seatbelt. I mean, I totally have to pee in like five, so can't it wait? I really don't think you mean me, right? Woahhhhh (turns head)...can I see my reflection in the metal of the buckle? Is that something in my teeth? Why do I need to fasten my seat belt again? I really need to pee.
Flight attendant: Life vests are found underneath your seat. Seat cushions are also flotation devices.
Passenger: For real? These rocks float? That's totally impossible. I'm going to have to google if they float, cause they totally don't. Or maybe I'll ask Siri. But Siri sucks now, so I'm totally going with asking google. Don't worry, I'll turn my phone to airplane mode right after I do this, I totallyswear. Unless I need to then ask about how to inflate the life vest faster than everyone else cause there is limited oxygen on the plane, you know, to blow these things up. Then I'll totally shut it off.
Flight attendant: You can remove the door by pulling down on the handle while turning the door and pushing it out the exit.
Passenger: That totally sounds like a cross-fit move. Why don't they have these at the box so we can all do reps? It's super important to get to the door, remove the door, and get out as fast as possible. I bet I can totally take that old man in the middle..he can't be thinking he's the one to open the door, right? No, he can't. He's got to know it's totally on me, I mean, look at my arms. Should I talk to him about this, like, before something happens? Or maybe I'll just ask if he cross-fits and talk about how many reps I did yesterday in the WOD so he gets the idea.
Did you like Delta's new flight safety video, or were you not amused? Chime in about whether you think Delta has the right idea.