I flew to Chicago earlier this week. Every time I fly, I think I've seen it all...but no. Let's take a look back at the best (and by best, I really mean worst) sightings while traveling...I haven't had a good rant/ramble for quite a while. 5. The Wannabe Tigger On our way … [Read more...]
Five Fun Ways People Display “Trip-Envy” and How To Deal
I've already discussed my frustrations with dealing with people who are just inappropriate/racist about foreign places and people. But what about those who are jealous or envious of your travels and experiences? They can also be incredibly frustrating and patience-testing, … [Read more...]
How to Avoid Pissing People Off By Taking Leave
Taking trips can require some finesse at work to avoid conflicts and problems. While we have flexible workplaces that do care about work-life balance, that doesn't mean we can take off at a moment's notice. Here are five things that have worked for me to smooth any … [Read more...]
Talking about Traveling with People Who Don’t Travel: How do you deal with inappropriate comments?
I had a conversation last week with someone, that left me...well, it left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I'm totally fine if people have no interest in my travels--I get it, it's not for everyone. And honestly, I really try to not talk about my trips unless specifically … [Read more...]